Subscriptio is a WooCommerce extension that lets you sell subscriptions. Subscriptio adds recurring payments capabilities to WooCommerce so you can sell products like magazine subscriptions, online memberships, e-learning packages, and any other tangible or intangible products.
Both simple and variable products can be set up as subscriptions and allow you to define the payment cycle, free trial length, subscription length, and a setup fee. When a customer purchases a subscription, a subscription flow is initiated, which consists of the following actions in a chronological order:
- Request placed
- Payment received (ignored in case of trial without setup fee)
- Subscription activated (or enter an optional trial period)
- Renewal request generated
- Payment reminders sent
- Attempt to process automatic payment (if payment gateway supports Subscriptio)
- Subscription marked as expired (grace period; optional)
- Overdue payment reminders sent (optional)
- Suspended subscription (optional)
- Cancellation notices sent (optional)
- Subscription canceled if no payment received
- Subscription expired (if not cancelled within the maximum subscription duration)