Quick and easy way to increase your revenue. Restrict access to your premium content and monetize it through paid subscriptions.
Reach customers around the world with payment methods that have been used globally.
Easy content restrictionRestrict access to your premium content, but still provide a summary of what to write within your premium content. It’s easy to set up, and can be enabled only on a specific post. |
Subscription systemSubscription/Membership provides the best way for you to earn revenue from your content. With recurring payment, you can expect stable income every period of time. We have integrated popular payment gateway PayPal into this system. |
Flexible pricing optionsWe are not only providing membership/subscription with recurring payment type. We also provide pay per post feature. It will give your visitor option before they decide to join your membership club. |
Custom Post Type SupportIt gives you flexibility on what content you want to restrict. Not just on posts, but also on custom post types. |
For any wordpress themeYou can use Jeg Paywall Paypal with your favorite themes that work with WooCommerce. |