The most complete WordPress plugin to create a full screen website
Use fullPage.js with one of the world’s leading WordPress page builders. Drag and drop features, visual design, pixel perfect, developer friendly, responsive, etc.
Creating a full page website is much more than just having 100vh sections. With fullPage.js you have full control over more than 50 different settings.
Go full screen! Impress your visitors with a ‘wow effect’. Use full-height and full-width vertical and horizontal slides and scroll through each one!
Fully compatible with all browsers, up to IE 9! And works with any theme! Keep using your favorite tools and enhance your site with the most popular scrolling effect!
Made by the fullPage.js team
By the creators of the fullPage.js JavaScript library, the most popular framework for creating instant fullscreen websites. Who better to develop a plugin with this effect than the team that created the technology for it?