Advanced Woo Labels PRO – Product Labels for WooCommerce
Easily create and manage labels for any of your WooCommerce products. Use advanced features like label display conditions, text variables, styling options, etc.
Labels and label groups
- Show Everywhere
Show labels inside file loops and on individual product pages.
- Unlimited Labels
Create an unlimited number of completely different labels for each WooCommerce product. There is no limit to the number of labels a product can have.
- Label Groups
Display multiple labels within each product display position.
- Group Options
Set the distance between labels within each group. Choose the alignment of the labels. Set the maximum number of labels per display position and per product. Specify the priority of the labels or simply disable any of them.
Label positions
- Positions
Displays the label in two positions: on the product image or before the title. .
- Align
Align the label with the previous title position on the left, center or right. For the position in the image you can choose between 9 positions: top left, top center, top right, center left, center center, center right, bottom left, bottom center, bottom right.
- Hook Options
The plugin uses WooCommerce hooks to display labels. And you can change these hooks directly from the plugin settings page. This means you can place your labels anywhere relative to the WooCommerce product.
Label display conditions
Show labels based on specific product, page, user, or date/time conditions.
- Product Conditions
Use labels to display conditions based on product fields. For example, stock status, sale status, featured, product category, price range, etc.
- Page Conditions
Display labels only on certain pages using special conditions. For example, page template, page type, page ID, etc.
- User Conditions
Show labels only to specific users using conditions like user role, user country, user language, user device, user cart, user purchases.
- Date/Time Conditions
Show labels only on a specific date/time, date/time range, or day of the week.
- Mixed Logic
Mix label display conditions with AND or OR operators.